Auf dem Wege zu einer Schizophrenie Theorie -
Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia - Behavioral Science vol. I [p. 251-264],
»Das heißt, er muss in einem Universum leben, in dem die Abfolge der Ereignisse dergestalt ist, dass seine unkonventionellen Kommunikationsgewohnheiten in gewissem Sinne angemessen sind. Die
von uns angebotene Hypothese lautet, dass Abfolgen dieser Art in der Außenwelterfahrung des Patienten für die inneren Konflikte in der Bestimmung logischer Typen verantwortlich sind. Für
solche unauflösbaren Erlebnisfolgen benutzen wir den Ausdruck double bind.«
The Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis and Culture -
Published in "Psychological Review", 48 [p. 350-355], 1941.
»The fieldwork, on which this paper is based, was done by the author with grants in aid from the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, through a grant from the Committee for Research in
Dementia Praecox (Schizophrenia), founded by the Thirty-third Degree, Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, and the Social Science Research Council.«
The Pattern Which Connects - About Gregory Bateson.
»Bateson's writings have much to offer us who do science, and what they offer is surprisingly understandable, intellectually enlightening, visionary, and important. Bateson's work is
ultimately about the process of doing science, the words and thoughts of one who specialized in unmuddled thinking.«
Giftige Psychiatrie [Auszüge] - Was Sie über Psychopharmaka, Elektroschock, Genetik und Biologie bei Schizophrenie, Depression und manisch-depressiver Erkrankung wissen sollten! - Carl-Auer-Systeme Verlag 1996, Originalausgabe "Toxic Psychiatry", St. Martin's Press New York © 1991.
Should The Use Of Neuroleptics Be Severely
Limited? - This article was first published in "Controversial Issues in Mental Health" [p. 146-152], 1994, edited by Stuart A. Kirk and Susan D. Einbinder (pub. Allyn and Bacon)
and is reprinted with kind permission. It is an updated version of a talk given for the Shropshire Mental Health Institute.
»The neuroleptic drugs have gradually become promoted as agents with a specific "antipsychotic" effect on schizophrenic symptoms. Meanwhile, psychosocial approaches have fallen into disrepute
among many psychiatrists. Patients have been instructed to remain on neuroleptics for a lifetime and told that it was safe to do so. The public was told that the "miracle" drugs had emptied
the hospitals and returned millions of patients to normal lives.«
Brain-Disabling Treatments In Psychiatry - Drugs,
Electroshock, and the Role of the FDA - Springer Publishing Company, 1997.
»This "drug revolution" views psychiatric medications as far more helpful than harmful, even as an unmitigated blessing. Much as insulin or penicillin, they are frequently seen as specific
treatments for specific illnesses. Often they are said to correct biochemical imbalances in the brain. These beliefs have created an environment in which emphasis upon adverse drug effects is
greeted without enthusiasm and criticism of psychiatric medication in principle is uncommon heresy. This book takes a decidedly different viewpoint - that psychiatric drugs achieve their
primary or essential effect by causing brain dysfunction, and that they tend to do far more harm than good.«
See also: •
Brain-Disabling Treatments In Psychiatry, Second
Edition - Springer Publishing Company, 2008 - The new edition presents evidence confirming many of the first edition's most controversial conclusions. • Peter R. Breggin interview
on Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Passage of Darkness [Excerpt p. 197-212 of 326] - THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SET: THE HAITIAN ZOMBIE AS A MODEL OF PSYCHOGENIC DEATH - Copyright © 1988 by Edmund Wade Davis - The University of North Carolina Press.
NETWORK AGAINST COERCIVE PSYCHIATRY is an organization comprised of
psychotherapists, psychiatrists, survivors of psychiatric incarceration and other concerned citizens. The idea of mental illness is a misleading and degrading metaphor. Psychiatric treatments
in mental hospitals are for the most part forms of physical and emotional abuse. Psychiatric diagnoses are demeaning labels without any scientific validity. The psychiatric establishment is
pushing dangerous drugs which they euphemistically call "medication".
»Theodore Sarbin and James Mancuso conclude in their exhaustive study that despite 80 years of popularity, the "disease model" has failed to establish its value as either an explanatory
theory or a practical tool.«
Brave New World - Foreword - Preface to the second (1946) edition of his
book, first edition 1932.
»A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be
coerced, because they love their servitude.«
Brave New World Revisited - An examination of the prophecies made in Brave New World,
Harper & Row, 1958.
»The subject of freedom and its enemies is enormous, and what I have written is certainly too short to do it full justice; but at least I have touched on many aspects of the problem. Each
aspect may have been somewhat over-simplified in the exposition; but these successive over-simplifications add up to a picture that, I hope, gives some hint of the vastness and complexity of
the original.«
Kritik der Literatur über die Erblichkeit von Schizophrenie - A Critique of Literature on the Genetics of Schizophrenia - "The Etiology of Schizophrenia" [p. 37-87] - © 1960 by Basic Books Inc., New York.
Grundbuch der inneren Partisanen - Alexander Kluge stellt seine 2.000 Seiten starke "Chronik der Gefühle" vor.
Classification and the Treatment of the Patient -
Victor Barbetti about Ronald D. Laing and the Rise of the DSM. Copyright © 2000 by Duquesne University.
»In reference to its uses in forensic settings, the developers of DSM-IV explicitly state that "inclusion of a disorder in the classification does not require that there be knowledge about
its etiology" (DSM-IV, p. xxiii). The correspondence between diagnostic category and the individual's presenting problems (symptomatology) alone provide the ground for a diagnosis. These two
fundamental premises of the definition of "mental disorder", that it is an individual event and etiology is not a necessary component of the diagnosis, is the sine qua non of our
modern understanding of whole enterprise of the mental health profession.«
Mystifizierung, Konfusion und Konflikt - Mystification, Confusion and Conflict - I. Boszormenyi-Nagy und J. L. Framo eds., "Intensive Family Therapy" [p. 343-362] - © 1965 by Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row Publishers Inc. New York.
Jenseits von Gier und Knappheit - Interview mit dem
internationalen Währungsexperten Bernard A. Lietaer, aus der Zeitschrift YES! Issue #2 - Beyond Greed and Scarcity.
»Meine Analyse dieser Frage basiert auf dem Werk von C. G. Jung, weil er der einzige ist, der eine Theorie der kollektiven Psychologie entwickelt hat. Und Geld ist in erster Linie ein
Phänomen kollektiver Psychologie. Ein Schlüsselbegriff von Jung ist der Archetyp, der beschrieben werden kann als ein emotionales Feld, das Menschen mobilisiert, einzeln und kollektiv, in
eine bestimmte Richtung.«
Delusion and Mass Delusion - An Essay on the Capricious Thinking in
Man and Collectivity, ©1949 by Smith Ely Jelliffe Trust, New York.
»Psychology is the discipline that has the most direct bearing on our daily activities. Its phenomena are ever present in our feeling, thinking and dreaming. However, the ways in which it
works and its actual significance are mysterious to the average person, and the language of the learned in this field is mere jargon to the uninitiated. It is unfortunate that it is not
better understood by all, and particularly by those whose duty is to make decisions that may threaten the security of mankind.«
The Rape of the Mind - The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide and
Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, Instructor in Psychiatry, Columbia University Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social Research, Former Chief Psychological Department
Netherlands Forces, published in 1956 by THE WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY. Last known printing 1973, THE UNIVERSAL LIBRARY, GROSSET & DUNLAP, New York, ISBN 0-448-00118-7.
»In this book we shall move from the specific subject of planned and deliberate mental coercion to the more general question of the influences in the modern world that tend to robotize and
automatize man. The last chapters are devoted to the problem of inner backbone, as a first step in the direction of learning to maintain OUR MENTAL FREEDOM.«
When The Dream Becomes Real - A conversation with Michael
»MICHAEL O'CALLAGHAN: How does one define so-called schizophrenia? -- JOHN WEIR PERRY: Carl G. Jung defined it most succinctly. He said "Schizophrenia is a condition in which the dream takes
the place of reality." This means that the unconscious overwhelms the ego-consciousness, overwhelms the field of awareness with contents from the unconscious.«
Doktorspiele - Geständnisse eines Hochstaplers - Wie ein Postbote die Psychiatrie überführt.
»Der Briefträger und Hochstapler Gert Postel brachte es zum geschätzten Oberarzt für Klinische Psychiatrie, schrieb psychiatrische Gutachten für Schwurgerichte, diskutierte unter vier Augen
mit seinem Minister und bekam die Chefarztstelle eines Landeskrankenhauses für Psychiatrie und Neurologie angetragen - dotiert mit einer C4-Professur. Sein Bericht reißt Psychiatern und
Psychotherapeuten die Maske kundiger Heiler vom Gesicht.«
Siehe auch:
Zwangspsychiatrie - Über Patientenverfügung und Rechtsberatung.
[multilingual] Körperliche Lust und die Ursprünge der Gewalttätigkeit
- Dieser Artikel (aus dem "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists", November 1975, p. 10-20, Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence) erschien 1975 auszugsweise in der
Aprilausgabe von The Futurist, veröffentlicht durch die World Future Society, und wird hier mit ihrer Erlaubnis wiedergegeben.
»Menschliche Gesellschaften unterscheiden sich sehr stark in ihrer Behandlung von Kindern. In einigen Kulturen schenken die Eltern ihren Kindern körperliche Zuwendung, während sie sie in
anderen körperlich bestrafen. Eine Studie anthropologischer Daten durch den Autor zeigte, dass in jenen Gesellschaften, die ihren Kindern den größten Betrag an körperlicher Zuwendung
schenken, weniger Diebstahl und Gewalttätigkeit unter Erwachsenen vorkommt, was die Theorie unterstützt, dass Mangel an körperlicher Lust in der Kindheit signifikant mit einer hohen
Kriminalitäts- und Gewalttätigkeitsrate verknüpft ist.«
Die Behandlung psychotischen Verhaltens [Auszüge] -
Psychoedukative Ansätze versus systemische Ansätze - 2. Auflage Carl-Auer-Systeme Verlag 1996.
»Geisteskrankheit oder psychotisches Verhalten, lässt sich als sozialer Prozess betrachten. Damit gewinnt auch Sprache als soziale Interaktion in vielerlei Hinsicht an Bedeutung.«
The Trauma Model
[Product Description] - A Solution to the Problem of Comorbidity in Psychiatry - Copyright © 1996-2006 by the Colin A. Ross Institute.
»In the final chapter, the trauma model is discussed from the perspective of the structure of scientific revolutions. Adoption of the trauma model by mainstream psychiatry would represent a
major paradigm shift. At present, the trauma model is marginalized and has no impact on the majority of research, clinical practice and theory in psychiatry.«
Wayne Morris Interviews Dr. Colin A. Ross - Second in a Series of Broadcasts
aired Sunday April 6, 1997 on CKLN-FM 88.1 in Toronto.
»What he did then, was to do this to human beings, including children. He describes an eleven year old boy in whose brain he put electrodes. When he pressed the right button on the box, the
boy would start talking about maybe being a girl, wanting to marry a male therapist. So they were using brain electrode implants to modify the identity, world view and behaviour of children
as young as eleven.«
Das Bestreben, den anderen verrückt zu machen - ein Element in der Ätiologie und Psychotherapie der Schizophrenie - The effort to drive the other person crazy - an element in the etiology and psychotherapy of schizophrenia - British Journal of Medical Psychology vol. 32 [p. 1-19], 1959, British Psychological Society.
Transaktionale Disqualifikationen - Untersuchungen über die Doppelbindung [Auszüge] - Transacciones descalificadoras, Investigación sobre el «doble vinculo» - Acta psiquiátrica y psicológica de América Latina vol. 12 [p. 329-342], 1966.
Psychiatric Drugs: Cure or Quackery? - »Psychiatric drugs are worthless, and most of them are harmful. Many cause permanent brain damage at the doses customarily given. Psychiatric drugs and the profession that promotes them are dangers to your health.«.
Schizophrenia - A Nonexistent Disease - »The word "schizophrenia" has a scientific sound that seems to give it inherent credibility and a charisma that seems to dazzle people.«
Aktive und passive Negation - Essay zur ibanskischen Soziologie
[Auszüge S. 163-191 von 319] - Jon Elster über Alexander Sinowjew aus "Die erfundene Wirklichkeit" - © 1981 Piper Verlag GmbH München, 13. Auflage März 2001.
»"Ziel der Maßnahme war es, diejenigen ausfindig zu machen, die mit der Durchführung der Maßnahme nicht einverstanden waren". Einerseits legt diese Vorstellung ein jeden Inhaltes bares
politisches System nahe - oder ein System, dessen einziger Inhalt seine Form wäre; andererseits enthüllt sie offensichtlich logische Paradoxien, die in unserem Jahrhundert die formale Logik
umgestürzt haben.«
Catch 22 - Eine Karikatur militärischer Logik [Auszug S. 36-38 von 246] - Paul Watzlawick
über Joseph Heller aus "Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit" - © 1976 Piper Verlag GmbH München, 26. Auflage Juni 2000.
»Orr wäre verrückt, wenn er noch weitere Einsätze flöge, und bei Verstand, wenn er das ablehnte, doch wenn er bei Verstand war, musste er eben fliegen. Flog er diese Einsätze, so war er
verrückt und brauchte nicht zu fliegen; weigerte er sich aber zu fliegen, so musste er für geistig gesund gelten und war daher verpflichtet zu fliegen.«
Der vielarmige Bandit [Auszug S. 64-67 von 246] - Paul Watzlawick, "Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit" - © 1976 Piper Verlag GmbH München, 26. Auflage Juni 2000.
"Double-Bind"-Hypothese und Dreier-Beziehung - The Double-Bind-Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Three-Party-Interaction - "The Etiology of Schizophrenia" [p. 373-388] - © 1960 by Basic Books Inc. New York.
Brain Damage And Neuroleptics Studies - »The following
materials are designed to complement the sources cited in "Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill."«
See also: Robert Whitaker on and his
[PDF] British Medical Journal Article
"Street Spirit" Interview with Robert Whitaker - »Whitaker's research into the tragic cases of disease, suffering and early deaths caused by these drugs shows that millions of consumers have been misled by a massive campaign of lies, distortions, and bought-and-paid-for drug trials. Eminent medical researchers who have tried to warn us of the perils of these drugs have been silenced, intimidated and defamed. In the process, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has become the lapdog of the giant pharmaceutical industry, not its watchdog.«
De Praestigiis Daemonum - Elisa Slattery about Johann Weyer - "Essays in
History", vol. 36 - © 1994 by the Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia.
»By willingly inflicting harm on others, poisoners met Weyer's criteria for legal prosecution -- they were of a sound mind and had committed a physical crime.«
Gesetz und Stimme des Herzens - "Ordre du coeur"
religionsgeschichtlich und biblisch betrachtet.
»In der religiösen Anthropologie ist das Herz jenes Organ, durch das Gott zum Menschen spricht und durch das der Mensch Gott erkennen und seinen Willen vernehmen kann. Gott führt den Menschen
durch dessen Herz, so dass in diesem Sinne das Herz eines Menschen auch sein Schicksal ist: Es kann auf Gottes Stimme hören oder sich taub stellen.«
Siehe auch: Dr. phil. Eugen-Maria Schulak, Selbsterkenntnis - Über den Ursprung
philosophischen Denkens.